Friday, July 23, 2010

Children say the cutest things

Me: "Mikey, can I have a hug?"
*Mikey gives me a hug while saying, "This is a hug."

Ms. Sarah: "Michael, what did you do at tabletop today?"
Michael: While looking troubled said, "My toes itches."

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I've been up for over 4 hours now and haven't even made a dent into my paper. I did eventually open Microsoft Word. I am a bad student, my procrastination doesn't hurt anyone but myself.

This is only my 2nd semester of graduate school, but I'm so ready to be finished!!!

My shoulders hurt a lot.. the pain is distracting..

Thursday, July 8, 2010

lilsushiboy (12:06:58 AM): somebody is gonna get hurt
jennyy (12:07:08 AM): somebody gonna get hurt real bad
lilsushiboy (12:07:16 AM): im not gonna tell u who
jennyy (12:07:22 AM): i know who anyways!
jennyy (12:07:27 AM): i will sit and squish you
lilsushiboy (12:07:33 AM): really ?
lilsushiboy(12:07:41 AM): can u even imagine that happening ?
jennyy (12:07:53 AM): i will use gravity and pressure

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Today is independence day, I spent most of it exploring bits and pieces of Boston.

I'm home now, sitting in my stuffy room. Just an hour ago, fireworks were set off right outside my house. A bunch of high school kids were gathered outside watching. The girls were shrieking in fear and the boys were tossing a football back and forth. This group of kids led me to think about how I spent my July 4th previous years. I usually spent them with my closest friends... this year it's different. I'm not sure where half of them are. I miss you guys.