Hello, through my heart~
Recently, I've noticed how a majority of people do not recycle. It happens in my work building and on my university's campus. Where I work, there are recycling bins in every classroom and in offices. Yet, many people will put what is recyclable in the garbage can instead of the recycling bin. One of my co-worker even told me that he throws out re-usable tupperware because he thinks that it is gross to reuse them! It baffles me how wasteful some people can be without feeling any guilt.
As for my university, I haven't seen a recycling bin in any of the classrooms. They have them in the cafeterias... but who will actually take their papers and bottles with them to the cafeteria to recycle? I had one professor who would make a huge stack of handouts about one inch thick every week we had class. The problem was she would make mistakes and copy the same pages twice. And there was no recycling bin in the classrooms! Anyhow, I just looked up the environmental student club on campus and emailed the adviser. I wonder if she will reply.
My relationship with my sister continues to remain at a unloving standstill. The only times she actually talks to me is when she wants something. I scolded her today for the tone of voice she used to talk to our mother, very disrespectful... Anyhow I'm hoping it's our age gap and eventually as she matures we will have a better relationship. I realize that everyone's bad moods will bounce off one another, my mom came into my room and yelled at me for wearing shorts when it's so cold. Her eyes went all crazy bugged out and the volume of her voice raised several decibels. Seriously? it's not that serious. I wish my family were more soft spoken.
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