Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I've been day-dreaming about traveling lately. Bookmarking places I want to go once I have the money. I've decided my favorite section in the Times is the Travel section. They had a wonderful slide show on the NYTimes website, a compilation of photos and stories from different people around the world explaining why they travel. This one guy said:
“I like to travel for three fundamental reasons: first, to get to know the culture of the place — meeting people, learning how they live, what they do, what they think, what their worries are. Second is the history of the place. And third is architecture, sculpture and art."
I wholeheartedly agree with him. When I travel I want to dive right into the culture, and learn as much as I can. Taste their different foods and dance their dances. Then, capture beautiful and memorable pictures to share with all my friends.

I asked my best friend Li Ling,
"What happens when your dreams are better than your reality?"
She said,
"Then you just keep this dream in your heart and let it drive your ambitions for a better reality."
I couldn't have answered it better myself.

Sometimes late at night I have these great conversations with my friends, here's one on love.

Jelly: why are you suppressing your love?
Cookie: love is too much trouble, makes you too vunerable
Jelly: but it is beautiful when it is right
Cookie: don't worry though, my love for you is always there
Jelly: makes you feel high and like you can fly
Jelly: and really when you're in love, the whole world really does shrink
Cookie: except you won't go to jail, and you would actually die if you jump off a bridge
Jelly: and its just you and her
Cookie: yea you're right haha
Cookie: guess you are like that girl in He's Just Not That Into You and I'm the guy that you end up with in the end. I'm awful with names.. I don't remember hahaha
Jelly: we are too romantic
Jelly: what?! how do you figure that
Jelly: I don't want to be such a romantic person
Jelly: i want to be more logical
Cookie: you are a girl lol girls are usually drive by their emotions man
Jelly: smart girls hide their emotions
Jelly: stomp on them til they die
Cookie: lol
Cookie: that's cold
Cookie: so the emotion just doesn't come back?
Cookie: that sucks
Jelly: and a tiny voice will be like "help"
Cookie: wow you italicize and lower the font size
Cookie: nice
Jelly: so what did she say?
Jelly: I'm so confused
Cookie: she said somewhere around the lines of
Cookie: "I may dissect each little thing and put myself out there so much but at least that means that I still care. Oh! You've think you won because women are expendable to you. You may not get hurt or make an ass of yourself that way but you don't fall in love that way either. You have not won. You're alone. I may do a lot of stupid shit but I'm still a lot closer to love than you are."

What is your take on love?

Camera phone pic of the week:

a bear hiding in this tree


Frankeh said...

aw <o: lol i wish i had someone to discuss love with haha!

nice picture! i finally found the bear. the sneaky little devil <o:

Chocolatey Snipes said...

love is probably the most ilogical thought process. to really love someoone you need to open yourself up to them completely, which puts you at risk for a slew of dissapointments and various ways of being hurt. We can only hope that the possibility for good outweights the bad. Love you