Thursday, November 19, 2009

I took this pic with my chocolate phone a year ago on Diwali (Festival of Lights). I really like this picture :)


It upsets me when children are mean to other children. Yesterday when I was picking up Kassandra and Mikhael from their extended program at their public school, this fourth grade boy asked Kassandra, "Is this your sister?"
At first I thought he was asking about me, then I realized he was actually referring to Mikhael. I felt a flash of anger and a desire to protect Mikhael.
This little boy is standing in front of a group of his friends, surrounding by them, receiving support from them as he gleefully questions Kassandra.
I turned to him and said, "You do realize he is a boy right?" (knowing full well he knew...)

I bought this huge bar of chocolate to work with me yesterday wanting to share with my students. I gave each student a piece when they were finished with their homework. Anna, a 3rd grader was one of the last ones to finish all her work. Anyhow, I didn't break the chocolate into equal pieces and Anna exclaimed, "Hey! It's not fair, she got a bigger piece than me!"
Man.. sometimes children are not grateful. Adults' feelings get hurt too...
Well.. now I know, to break them into equal pieces to avoid future tantrums.


1 comment:

Frankeh said...

lol aw :o>

this is why i buy the individual wrapped ones.

saves me trouble. until they start to complain that they didnt get their favorite color *i only buy starbursts n_n *