I drove to classes early today to complete some paperwork. Commuting to classes leaves me feeling strangely aloof. I don't feel that I'm a part of the community at all.
It was pretty cold today, I watched the light snow swirl across the parking lot, so beautiful and almost magical. I walked quickly to my car to get out of the cold. Still, I was mesmerized by the swirling snow and the stillness of the campus.
My professor caught me daydreaming in class yesterday. It was quite embarrassing.. she called on me while I was twirling my hair... and when my eyes met hers, I knew that she knew I haven't been paying attention. lols. I had to ask her to repeat the question. Yikes :P
I flipped on the tube while eating a late dinner and happily discovered American Idol was on! My, oh my does this show get my emotions running. As I watched contestants receive the judges' decision, tears ran down my cheeks and chills went down my body. I think I feel this emotional because I can see how much these singers want to be one of the top 24. It's another step in obtaining their dreams, fixing their lives... a struggle that every one of us goes through in our lives.