Monday, May 30, 2011

What great satisfaction it gives me to check off my to-do list. Check out this list from my Spring semester. 

Wheee... and now I am deleting the list from my computer. Onto a new list... 

I took this image from this blog (the title of the blog explains its contents x) Click on the image to see the details!

Who wants to climb Mt. Everest? I want to make an attempt to!! 

"Also called Mount Chomolungma, Mount Everest is located in Nepal and is the highest elevation in the world. From standard climbing routes that pass through the “death zone” – altitudes higher than 26,246 feet – corpses can be seen in their unaltered positions."

Challenge accepted! 

The only difficult hikes I've been on were when I was abroad, leaving me sore and limping off the bus the next day.

Bush walking in Australia (a very steep climb to the top!)

My classmates and I climbed and slid down Mount Ruapehu. Mt. Ruapehu is the highest point in the North Island of New Zealand at a height of 2797 meters. Mt. Everest is 8,848 meters... 6,000 meters greater than the highest point in NZ. Wowzers!!


Sunday, May 22, 2011


Sing it Selena!!

"Who says you're not star potential,
Who says you're not presidential,
Who says you can't be in movies,
Listen to me, listen to me,
Who says you don't pass the test,
Who says you can't be the best?"

((psst.. guess what? you can be it all))

This week has been the most stress-free week in a long while. I'm feeling apprehensive about next week, when classes start again :(
I get so wrapped up with classes and work that I sometimes forget about the small promises I make to people, like going to yoga with Joy. If it wasn't for facebook keeping all our posts, I wouldn't have remembered :P

So to few more days of 

R - E - L - A - X - I - N - G and allowing for my holey mouth to heal (i.e. wisdom tooth extraction)