Last night I was woken up by a very scary dream. =(
In the dream I was walking down a crowded street, talking on my cell with my mother. I noticed an old man walking with a cane in front of me. Suddenly, he dropped his cane and he slowly fell forward. "Oh, sh*t!!" I run to the old man, tap him a little and then shake him a little (yes, I know you shouldn't shake someone who has fallen over.) I was about to turn him over but then I realized I should really dial 9-1-1. But, I was shaking so bad I couldn't press the numbers. I think I tried to scream for help, but my voice was very weak and it cracked. Anyhow, I woke up before I was able to successfully call the cops.
=( creepy dream... it was so dark and dreary
Is this how I'd really react when there's an emergency? completely helpless?