I am feeling quite nervous at the moment, more stressed than I would like. This week is all about preparations, completing paperwork, scheduling classes... etc, etc.
I drove to the Adelphi university's campus today with Li Ling. I plugged in my GPS and located my point of interest. We hit traffic on the L.I.E. (no surprise there) I really hope I don't have to drive through traffic throughout the week. (please, please, please) We tried to locate Harvey Hall, but ended up circling the campus three times without any success. As for the campus' surroundings, I will give it a 4/10. The houses around the area are really beautiful but I'm not a fan of the stores and convenience stops. It looks like a small town but without the charm of the set on Gilmore Girls. Hehe, was it silly of me to hope for something of the likes of NYU or Columbia? I am so silly.
Hrmm.. what would life be like, if there were less uncertainties?
Does the sunscreen song The Sunscreen Song leave any impressions upon you?
I'd like to remember this part: "Don't waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind...the race is long, and in the end its only with yourself."
Actually I really like this song, it's just hard to remember all the messages in it.
Also this: "Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum." So, put a smile on that beautiful face of yours... no worries!