[Standing awkwardly in front of a colorful, tetris-like mural in Penn Station... notice blurry feet behind me]

A Glimpse of NYC

[Park near Astor Place]
[Graffiti artist at 5 Pointz]
[mass pillow fight at Union Square 14 Street]
[5 Pointz]
[Union Square 14th Street]
[Union Square 14th Street]
[I asked this lady if I could take a picture of her in her flower shop which was right outside the entrance of the 7 train, she said, "yes." Then she asked to see her picture and she said, "do not use me in your project! Just the flowers okay?" haha]
[The little boy in green was really cute. When I asked for their photo he ran to his older brother's side. The older one said sure but they were not sure what to do so I said just act natural. :)]
Ones close to my heart =)
[Helen trying to make Dodo give her a high-five]
[Prabighya, unhappy because I'm taking her picture, nonetheless beautiful]

[Stanley, you made most of my portraits possible, thanks for bringing me to the graffiti site!]
[Dave, contemplating his next move outside a chess cafe that was inside a Brooklyn train station]
[So hard to take night pictures with my camera... hand must stay steady...]

[Played with some floral pattern from Anthropologie catalogue, not that successful]